Art Accessories and Collections

Mid Century Modern Appeal

Vintage Collections

Open floor plans and clean lines in buildings and furniture have come full circle. Mid-century modern homes are being created and remodeled at an ever increasing pace. This style incorporates nature into the home to balance the straight lines of rooms and furniture. Accessories make themselves known with bright splashes of color against the neutral tones and greenery. This style is perfect for busy people on the go in today’s fast-paced society.

People who want to build a new home in this style need to spend time collecting art pieces for personal display. Because not everybody recognizes the pieces that would be a perfect fit, it is important to do research into the artists who were popular during that time. It takes a good eye and keen mind to ferret out original pieces in mid-century style art. Clean lines and bright colors were hallmarks of artists who sought to blend their art into this style of clean lines.

Finding the perfect mid-century style pieces of art requires trips into many different venues. Flea markets and small shops are great places to begin the hunt. Many art pieces in the mid-century style were bought and passed down through several generations. Children and grandchildren who inherited them may have donated or sold off what was packed into garages and attics. Many of these pieces have traveled through several owners who did not recognize their significance.

Art auctions are also a place where mid-century art pieces are found. The hustle and bustle of the collectors is exciting but noisy. For older people it is best to make sure they have digital hearing aids turned on during auctions. Bidding for pieces can become rowdy and good hearing is important for choosing whether or not to bid. Prices climb quickly during auctions and knowing the current bid matters.